Saturday, December 8, 2012

My relationship with Photography

I kept asking myself, what can a photo add to text, to my language? I have now realized that this is just the beginning. Soon I can start using photography to translate how I see the world and make up for the space between the words. I look at things differently now. I look at light and composition. I look for creative and new ways to look at things and to capture them in ways that are innovative with a machine that is now accessible to everyone. I do not feel I have achieved this goal yet, but I believe that I now will have to ability and willingness to start taking the steps toward this realization.

“All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players” –Shakespeare

The world once again for me is a stage, everything has the ability to be a beautiful shot, and everything is an artistic medium. Inspiration is flowing readily in the streets as the people walking them, the people themselves the bricks they walk, the food they eat. Everything is open and ready to be received by the willing eye. I can now look at the world and see it as for the first time.

I believe poetry is a form of archive. The body is an archive. The self is an archive with the medium of word to describe and be the immortality of history.

Photography is an archive. With poetry I can help create the archive of mediums and using both I cannot even wait to experiment and see what needs to be expressed come to fruition.

Photography used to be an embarrassing thing my father did when he went on trips or vacations, now I see it as a lingual tool, a translator, a lifter of veils, an art form. It is capturing what we all want to see but is too afraid to try.

Photography is travel transported into a single frame.

It reminds us to stay humble and to keep our eyes open and be ready for the motion of the earth below our feet.

the camera is the life lines we all have in our palms and forget to listen to, we forget to see. 

A day in my life


A day in my life, a set on Flickr.

Subject Painted and Photographed (a conversation)


the prevalent

straight shot single eye

Portrait can always portray
the portrayal with the distance
between the strokes
of which the artist lives within

the truth is always assumed to be late
or left behind

A photograph can get forgotten
the moment is present
is here
is now
I missed you


the seduction of the lenses
always subtle

The subject
is the medium

truth is forced upon the audience
a new meaning can came
from many angles

levels of attention can be shifted
with control
layers of intrusion
of subject
the artist faded and saturated
made into the scene


Lets be seduced by art

and blend with the motion
memorialize the flow of time
and capture the
movement standing still

this is a dialog
between the past
and the present

with titillation
vibrating the fibers of

A sense of Time and Place


A sense of Time and Place, a set on Flickr.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Responding to a Photograph

Jean-Francois Lecourt, Shot into the Camera

“To understand our world we need to experience it”

breaking the

shooting the

light bled in

the shattered glass



Time is breaking

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The Human Street


The Human Street, a set on Flickr.

Letter to William Henry Fox Talbot

Dear Mr. Talbot,

“Come high or low photography was going to be invented. Its time had come.”

My time had come

to be discovered

the light blew through the lattice.

I penciled in the natures of time

colored the spaces in between.

A new world has opened

a new art form can

integrate into word.

I’ll tell you where to find me,

you can meet me at




we’ll invert some light

for a little while







Leah Markman aka Cerulean Tango